In 2006, my father died.
In 2008, I lost my job due to the economy.
In 2009, I was collecting unemployment.
In 2010, I was drowning in debt.
In 2011, I wanted to commit suicide.
And in 2013, My ex boyfriend choked me and hit me because I caught him cheating on me.
My life was full of pain, hurt, unresolved trauma. I had this old belief system that life was meant to be hard. That life was a struggle, that true love didn’t exist, that money was only for the rich and that I would always be stuck in this cycle of suffering.

In 2014, I decided to re-read the book the Secret. A book that was given to me in 2008 by a great friend of mine. Back then I was so deep in my own darkness that the law of attraction did work for me. I did find friends, men, got a job and even got a new apartment. But they were all still very toxic situations. Why? Because I had unresolved hurt, pain and trauma. I didn’t fully start my healing journey until 2015. And it was then that my whole entire life changed.
In 2015, I paid off $48k in credit card debt. In 2016, I got married to the love of my life and soulmate Travis Rosser.
In 2017, I got my dream car, a white Range Rover with white leather seats!
In 2019, I started my coaching business, The Fearless Female Movement
I have traveled to places I only thought were reserved for the rich.
I’ve flown first class and semi-private
I've had chef dinners at my house
I have assistants, a cleaning lady, a pool guy, a lawn care guy, someone who washes my car. I haven’t done my own laundry in over 5 years.
I can walk into any store and buy whatever I want without checking my bank account.
I am NOT special. God didn’t just look down and said “you there….you get to live your dream life now”
God loves us all and gave us all this beautiful gift called CHOICE.
And I chose to change my life.
I chose to be open to love, joy, gratitude and to receive blessings. Something I never did before because I was stuck in all my hurt and pain.
I felt like I didn't deserve to be happy. I believed I was unlovable. I believed that money was a limited resource and only certain people were successful. My mind was completely closed off to the possibility of living the life I have now.
And I am not done yet!! I have bigger dreams to conquer and bigger milestones I want to reach. I am not done. As long as I have air in my lungs, I will continue to create a life worth waking up to.
The best part is that I get to teach my clients to do exactly that.
Are you ready to stop tolerating life? Are you ready to stop doing the same thing and expecting different results? Are you open to allowing someone else guide you towards learning how to love yourself? Are you ready to start dreaming again?
Are you ready to make 2022 the year it all changes?
Book your FREE discovery call today and let me show you how to change your life.